This 1920 street might be a twofer. It’s at least half-named for Caroline Halm (1857-1943), whose son Karl co-owned a tract here; Jacob Street is named for his father and Halm Avenue itself originated on this tract. Mrs. Halm was born Caroline Susanne Abele in Göppingen, Germany. She married Jacob Halm in 1876 and had seven children with him. Around 1900, the entire Halm family immigrated to Seguin, TX, and that’s where Caroline Halm spent the rest of her life. As for our other potential namesake, we have Caroline Friendly Fybush (1871-1951), who co-owned the tract with Karl Halm. “Caro” spent the first half of her life in Elmira, NY, where her father Theodore Friendly, a Bavarian Jew, ran a carriage and wagon shop. She married attorney Moses F. Fybush in 1897 and they had one daughter, Irma. In 1912, the Friendly-Fybush clan relocated to Los Angeles, where Theodore and Moses ran a realty firm. The 1930s were tough on Caro: her husband, father, and only brother Abe all died within a six year period. But she soldiered on, dabbled in real estate, and spent her final years with a female companion, May Weems.
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