Named in December 1954 in honor of Dee Boyar (1934-?), then-wife of Marshall Peter Boyar (1926-1983), whose father was Lakewood developer Louis H. Boyar. Public information is scant, but our subject was born Dorothy Elsa Hess in New Jersey. Her mother Leonora married second(?) husband Emile P. Follmer sometime in the 1940s and the family moved to Nanuet, NY, then to Las Vegas. Dee Hess reportedly wed Marshall Boyar in February 1954; she was his second wife. The couple had three children and separated in December 1959, their divorced finalized weeks later – yet a 1964 gossip column mentioned Boyar squiring both his ex-wife Dee and his new wife Lee to a Beverly Hills restaurant! According to other gossip columns of the era, Dee Boyar dated Frank Sinatra in early 1961. Maybe, maybe not. She married at least three more times and wound up in West Palm Beach, FL.
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