Named for landowners George A. (1854-1932) and Dorothy A. (1864-1944) Grismer. George was born in Ohio and raised in Edgar County, IL; his was a farming family. By 1883, he was in Wadena, MN, where he made a go at running a meat market and then a lumber concern. It’s unknown what his vocation was thenceforth, but he moved to St. Paul in 1885 and married the Wisconsin-born Dorothy twenty years later. (Her maiden name is unclear as she’d been married before.) The childfree Grismers remained in St. Paul until at least 1909. There’s no trace of their whereabouts until 1914, when they popped up in Burbank and got into real estate. It was said that theirs was the first house in this part of town: they lived on San Fernando Boulevard, right around the corner from Grismer Avenue, which they christened in 1916.
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