Songfest Drive, Sideview Drive, and Metro Street were all named on a 1949 tract subdivided by Paul W. Garvey and E. Kline Stickney. Although the two developers would sneak their middle names into Wampler Street and Klinedale Avenue, I found no personal reasons behind the Songfest, Sideview, and Metro monikers. In the 1940s, “songfests” were popular community gatherings featuring amateur singers and public singalongs; you’d find them all over SoCal and indeed all over the country. The term likely derives from Sängerfest, a more formal German American singing competition that was held annually in Philadelphia since at least 1846. Garvey and Stickney both had faint German/Pennsylvanian roots, but none strong enough to suggest any connections to this event. As for Sideview and Metro, the former might have alluded to the street marking the west side of that 1949 tract, the latter just a cool name that was available.
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