No surprise here: this street, and the tract it was born on, take their names from the Fox studio lot a block away. The Fox Hills tract was opened in September 1923 by the Janss Investment Co., the owners and developers of Westwood, who just so happened to have sold 450 acres of land to the Fox Film Corporation four months earlier. (It’s long been misreported that Fox bought the land from cowboy star Tom Mix. In fact his ranch, dubbed “Mixville”, was out in Silver Lake.) The Janss brothers had been promoting Westwood as a “second Hollywood” and were now making good on their promise: by branding their tract and this street with the Fox imprimatur, they hoped to lure in studio employees who wanted to live close to work. Years later, a cash-strapped Fox – which added the “20th Century” to their name in 1935 – sold off much of their backlot to be developed into Century City.
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