This cul-de-sac honors ladies’ man Mac Krim (1910-1995). Raised in Detroit, Krim and his brothers followed their father into the movie theater business and found much success, but Krim primarily made his name as a polo player. He headed to Los Angeles in 1951; two years later, he was popping up in gossip columns as Marilyn Monroe’s “good friend”. Krim then began dating another Marilyn: 20-year-old actress Marilyn Novak, who would change her first name to Kim and become a superstar. In 1955, Krim partnered with Sanford D. Adler, a fellow Detroiter behind several Cheviot Hills developments, on a tract here; Krim Drive was named in early 1956. Mac Krim went on to date Zsa Zsa Gabor and countless forgotten starlets, but died a bachelor. He is remembered for cofounding the Thalians mental health charity.
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