Records here have spelling inconsistencies through the roof; I’ll try my best to sort them out. The name of landowner Mariana Salles Goyhenech (c. 1859-1936) was written “Marianna Sale Goyheneche” on the “Sales Tract”, which gave us Marianna Avenue in February 1888. Born in France, it’s unknown whether Mariana Salles married her first husband, the much older Jean Goyhenech (c. 1821-1893), back home or here in SoCal, but she gave him two children and then dumped him in 1887 – apparently after he threatened to kill her. (Goyhenech then ran ads in the Los Angeles Times whining, “my wife… has deserted me, and I will not be responsible for any bills incurred by her.”) The following year, Mariana married “Mitchell” Tomich (c. 1860-1903), an immigrant from the Austrian Empire (probably Croatia), who was declared insane in 1897 and died at Patton State Hospital in San Bernardino. Mariana’s son Dominic (1879-1955), who took his stepdad’s surname, met the same sad fate: he spent his final years at Mendocino State Hospital. Daughter Honorine Marie Theresa (1883-1965) simplified her surname as “Goynet”, lived with Mariana in Montecito Heights, and never married.
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