The hospital abutting this street has gone through at least five names (and corporate owners) over the past four decades – as of 2024, it’s called the L.A. Downtown Medical Center – but from 1974, when the building was completed, until 1984, it was the Ross-Loos Medical Center. (The Ross-Loos Medical Group had picked up the land by 1970.) The operation began back in 1929, when Los Angeles physicians Dr. Donald E. Ross (1893-1981) and Dr. H. Clifford Loos (1882-1960) first partnered. Ross-Loos offered one of America’s first prepaid health care plans – what we now know as HMOs – initially for DWP employees and their families. Showbiz side note: Dr. Loos was the brother of Hollywood screenwriter Anita Loos (Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, etc.).
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