Named in 1946 for Culver City realtor Earle Samuel Eastham (1894-1958) as thanks for helping develop the Hayden Industrial Tract. Eastham, an Oklahoman, was in L.A. by 1913 as a student at the Normal School, but he soon gave up teaching for real estate. After serving in WWI, Eastham was brought under the wing of Harry H. Culver and would become secretary and treasurer of Culver’s company. He would also become Culver’s brother-in-law: in 1921, he married Lucile Roberts (1894-1939), whose sister Lillian was Culver’s second wife. Sadly, Lucile suffered from schizophrenia, which took a toll on the marriage: the Easthams divorced in the 1930s and Lucile died in a mental hospital. Earle himself stayed active in Culver City, long after Culver himself moved on. Nicknamed “Mr. Real Estate”, Eastham was president of both the Chamber of Commerce and Realty Board and was credited with bringing soft water to the city.
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