The “Hall” in Halldale is Charles Victor Hall (1854-1933). Born in San Francisco, Hall came to L.A. in 1860 with his mother Eliza (1816-1887) and sister Mary (1842-1915); it’s unclear what happened to dad. Eliza and Mary were awarded acreage at Western and Jefferson under the 1862 Homestead Act and the Halls kept it until Eliza’s death, after which Charles subdivided it as the C.V. Hall tract – birthplace of Halldale, Hobart, and Dalton avenues. Charles Hall was a natural huckster: at 19, he spent months on the east coast, marketing California to would-be transplants, then published his own periodical Hall’s Land Journal until 1878. He married Josephine S. Dalton (1853-1944) that year and then got into real estate and oil, which made him fabulously rich. But he had a wandering eye and the Halls divorced in 1914 – two years after Charles went to Paris and fell in love with a Belgian flower seller named Maria Suetans (1893-1978). Judge all you want: Maria and Charles remained together until his death.
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