Rosario Krueger (1861-1934) was born María del Rosario Higuera – and no, it’s not a coincidence that Higuera Street intersects Krueger Street. The Higueras were the original titleholders of Rancho Rincón de los Bueyes, once located here, and Rosario grew up in this area: in fact a 1903 map listed her as owner of the land beneath present-day Higuera and Krueger streets, both named in 1921. (She spent her final years in a house at Higuera and Lindblade.) In 1898, Rosario married German immigrant August Julius Krueger (1863-1913). She kept his surname but not his conjugality: she dumped him in 1903, taking their baby daughter Ella Ynez (1902-1989) with her. The story was that she wouldn’t give him her money and he wouldn’t convert to Catholicism. He officially divorced her two years later. Ella Krueger’s 1923 marriage to John Cheuvront was more successful: they had two daughters and were pillars of Culver City, remaining in Rosario’s house until it was torn down in 1956.
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