No “Road” or “Avenue” required: this street is called Lindaraxa Park, period. (There is a park here, but it’s more like an ultra-wide median.) It was laid out in 1912 as “Court Lindaraxa” and took its current name by 1928. A patio garden at the Alhambra in Granada, Spain served as the inspiration. More commonly spelled “Lindaraja” or “Daraxa”, said garden was remembered by Washington Irving in his 1832 travelogue Tales of the Alhambra – and since he spelled it “Lindaraxa”, the developers of our own Alhambra followed suit. Irving wrote that the garden took its name from the daughter of a 15th century Málaga governor, a favorite of Sultan Muhammad VIII “the Left-Handed”, and that she lived at the Alhambra above her namesake patio. It’s probably apocryphal, but it’s where the name originates.
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