Named for iconoclastic filmmaker Dudley Bowles Murphy (1897-1968), not so much in honor of his films (he made the classic experimental short Ballet Mécanique with Fernand Léger in 1924 and the early African American-centered films St. Louis Blues and The Emperor Jones) but because he and his fourth(!) wife Virginia (née Bellondi, 1914-1979) ran Malibu’s famous Holiday House motel from 1948 until his death. This street was christened Murphy Way much later – in 2006, in fact. It was originally named deButts Terrace, after longtime Malibu colonists Edward and Marianne deButts. (See Delaplane Road for more on them.) Neighbors got tired of being de butts of jokes, as it were, so they had the street renamed. Winding Way once had a deButts-related moniker as well: Fauquier Road.
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