It looks like a typo but we must assume that landowners Cody (1854-1934) and Rebecca (1866-1941) Frederick knew what they were doing when they named Nelrose Avenue in 1922. Melrose Avenue wasn’t famous enough back then to be a target for puns, and I couldn’t find any Nells, Helens, or Eleanors in the Frederick family tree, so my theory is that “Nelrose” refers to a once-popular color variously spelled Nell rose, Nel-Rose, and Nelrose. This magenta-like shade, inspired by Eleanor “Nell” Wilson, daughter of Woodrow Wilson, was introduced during the 1912-1913 fashion season. (Colors named for presidents’ daughters was a thing back then: there was Alice blue for Alice Roosevelt, Helen pink for Helen Taft, etc.) Nell rose/Nelrose was still available in dress and fabric shops in 1922, so Rebecca Frederick should have been aware of it. Maybe it was her favorite color.
Find it on the map: