Elementary, my dear reader: This street is named for Charles Edward Sherlock (1852-1944), an Irishman who came to the U.S. in 1872. Sherlock was originally based in Lakeview, OR, where he made a fortune raising sheep. (He would later become a bank president there.) In 1909, he purchased 10 acres here in Burbank, then bought 20 more in 1911; Sherlock Drive was named in 1920. (Someone else named nearby Watson Street four years later, tongue perhaps in cheek.) Sherlock and his wife Ada (1866-1961) split their time between Oregon and Burbank before retiring to South Rampart in 1927. Meanwhile, their son Irving (1894-1976) established a poultry farm on the family’s Burbank property in 1912, then eventually settled in Pacific Palisades, where his gardens were locally famous. Their other son Charles Jr. (1891-1974), a.k.a. Ned, was more of a gadabout: in 1912, he eloped with a teenage beauty queen (it didn’t work out), then ran the short-lived “Shamrock Garage” in Burbank the following year. After serving in WWI, he returned to Lakeview to raise cattle.
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