No trolleys ever clanged along Trolleyway – at least not along the Trolleyway that exists today, all 966 feet of it. When this street – one of the few in L.A. to consist of one word (along with Broadway, Speedway, and Esplanade) – was laid out in 1924, it was a trackless extension of a longer Trolleyway in Ocean Park and Venice that was in fact a right-of-way for an electric streetcar line. That Trolleyway was named in 1904, then renamed Pacific Avenue in bits and pieces between 1927 and 1955, when the tracks were finally gone and the street was fully paved for automobile traffic. Why didn’t this last little stretch of Trolleyway adopt the Pacific Ave. name? Your guess is as good as mine. P.S. Nearby Trolley Place was an anonymous alley until 1929.
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