In 1947-1948, three streets were named in honor of Rosebudd Doble Mullender Atkinson (1877-1952). She was the granddaughter of millionaire SGV landowner Lucky Baldwin; when he died in 1909, she inherited a hundred acres here and made a ranch out of it. Mullender Avenue took her first husband’s surname, which she kept even after remarrying – more on that in a second – but Doublegrove and Dubesor streets are less obvious. Here’s the connection: Doublegrove was originally (and only very briefly) spelled “Doblegrove”, using our subject’s maiden name, while Dubesor is “Rosebud” spelled backwards. (You can forgive developers for not spelling it “Ddubesor”.) Rosebudd Doble was born in San Francisco to Lucky Baldwin’s oldest daughter Clara and Clara’s third husband Budd Doble (1842-1926), a famous harness horse racer. Budd divorced Clara in 1881 on grounds of desertion and raised Rosebudd himself. (Such a thing was rare in those days, but Clara Baldwin openly favored the glamorous life over maternal obligations.) After attending Notre Dame, Rosebudd wed photographer Joseph Mullender in 1899. He died in 1931 and she married orchardist Joseph Atkinson five years later. (She was certainly fond of the name “Joseph”: her only child was Joseph Doble Mullender.) Poor Atkinson, who was twelve years younger than Rosebudd and likewise outlived her by twelve years, never got his own street name. The couple lived on Francisquito right next to Mullender Avenue.
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