After taking over the town of Glendale, Leslie Coombs “L.C.” Brand began naming streets after loved ones. Dryden Street, named in 1904, was for his sister Helen Brand Dryden (1857-1937) and her husband Nathaniel (1849-1924). “Nellie” and “Nat” married in their native Missouri in 1876. They came to Los Angeles in 1887 at L.C.’s request; here Nat, a bricklayer by trade, established a new career as a building contractor. He also served as the Brand family architect, designing Miradero in 1902-1904 for L.C. and his wife Mary Louise; Ard Eevin in 1903 for the Brands’ consigliere DanĀ Campbell and his wife Margaret; and the Robinson Estate in 1911 for his own daughter Virginia and her husband Harry, of Robinson’s department store fame. The latter, one of the first mansions in Beverly Hills, is now a county park: Virginia Robinson Gardens.
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