Williams Place

Guy Goodson Williams (1890-1977) was secretary/treasurer for at least two companies run by developer Walter H. Leimert, of Leimert Park fame. Leimert named this street after him in 1925. Born in Missouri, Williams came to San Bernardino c. 1912, where he married Ruth Vassar. (They had one child: Charles a.k.a. “Buster”, 1919-1975.) Williams worked several odd jobs both there and in Los Angeles before finding his niche as an accountant. Leimert hired him in 1924 but things went south in 1932 when Williams, then on his second marriage, duped Leimert into signing two blank checks totaling $9,000 – then deposited them into his own personal account. Williams pleaded guilty and spent three years in San Quentin. In 1935, on parole and once again divorced, he removed himself to the Victorville area. There he grew alfalfa for at least fifteen years. He died in L.A. but I have no info on his final decades.