The Phyllis in question has got to be Phyllis Horowitz (1911-2000). Her father Al (1883-1976), a Russian Jew who came to California when he was eight, ran a department store nearby, back when West Hollywood was still called Sherman. More to the point: he subdivided a chunk of land at Hammond and Phyllis in 1923. Thus it’s a safe bet that he named this street after his eldest daughter. Betty Way, a couple of blocks east, is surely for Horowitz’s other daughter and Hilldale might even be a play on his wife Hilda’s name – the Horowitzes were here when that street was laid out, but I’m not certain that they owned the land yet. At any rate, Phyllis Horowitz was raised in Sherman, graduated from Fairfax High School, and married Victor J. Dollinger in 1931. They and their sons Steve and Terry settled in Reno in 1953; Victor owned a shoe store there.
Find it on the map: